The Council is seeking applications from experienced providers with the capability and capacity to deliver community mental health care and support in Rotherham.

A review of current mental health care and support provision in Rotherham indicates the need to improve the community service model to one which offers mental health recovery support personalised social care, with increased choice and control for people living with mental ill-health.

This new care and support model has been co-produced in partnership with people accessing services and their supporting professionals to inform the service design.
Such services will support people to achieve independent living skills, move towards, and sustain, independent living in the communities in which they live.

Aiming to harness the opportunities which exist in the wider care and support market, this Mental Health Recovery Flexible Purchasing System (FPS) will increase choice and improve outcomes for people living with mental ill-health in Rotherham.

Click here to find out more. 

Key Info

Location: Health and Social Work Services

Organisation: Rotherham MBC

Deadline: 08/05/2028

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