The Loscar Wind Farm Community Fund benefits the communities of Harthill, Woodall, Thorpe Salvin and Wales in South Yorkshire. South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation administers the programme and there are two funding streams available: a Distribution Fund and a Grassroots Endowment.

Support is available for projects for either:

  • Sustainable use of energy/energy efficiency or use of other resources; reducing climate change; nature conservation or charitable environmental projects that address the needs of the local community.
  • General community activities that benefit the residents of the defined area of benefit.

Support is available to the local communities of Harthill, Woodall, Thorpe Salvin and Wales in Rotherham. Projects can address either green issues (eg sustainable energy and efficiency, reducing climate change, nature conservation, etc) or community activities to benefit the local residents.

The Distribution Fund has £6,300 available each year and the Grassroots Endowment Fund provides grants from the interest from the initial £100,000 investment.

No minimum or maximum awards are specified but grants are usually for £1,000 from the Distribution Fund and one-off payments between £250 and £1,500 from the Grassroots Endowment Fund.

Click here to find out more. 

Key Info

Location: Rotherham area

Value: Up to £1,500

Grant Deadline: Rolling basis