CRASH, the construction and property industries’ charity, assists homelessness charities and hospices with their construction projects. CRASH offers help in a practical way as well as providing cash grants.
CRASH does this by supporting improvements to hospices, hostels, day centres, night shelters, training centres and move-on accommodation.
CRASH unites the industry and channels the expertise and products of its Patron Companies to:
To be eligible for support organisations must be registered charities, have legal hold on the building in question, either freehold or lease for at least 5 years, and the building is currently delivering, or will be used to deliver services to single homeless men and women over the age of 18; or used to deliver in-patient and or day services to people in need of end of life care.
Please phone CRASH in advance of making your application to discuss your project.
Click here to find out more.
Location: UK
Value: Various
Grant Deadline: Rolling Basis